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Simeon Cloud Release Notes - Create Custom Intune App Packages

May 31, 2021

Simeon Release Notes 05.31.21 - Create Custom Intune App Packages!

We are launching a module that allows our clients to easily create Intune line of business application packages that can be deployed to one or many tenants in bulk on the Simeon platform.

What's New

  • Say goodbye to using JSON to create custom app packages! With our user-friendly module, you can easily create custom Intune app packages and deploy them to all of your tenants. To create a new app package, simply follow the steps in our user interface or contact support@simeoncloud.com if you need help. You can also use the new module when you want to reuse and/or edit existing app packages!

We are releasing the module in preview for now. If you want early access, please contact support@simeoncloud.com.