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Simeon Cloud + CoreView

Setting the new standard in Microsoft 365 governance

Simeon Cloud + CoreView logos

Transform Microsoft 365 management with Simeon Cloud and CoreView

Simeon Cloud, the market leader in Microsoft 365 tenant configuration management, has joined CoreView, the #1 Microsoft 365 management platform. Combined, this suite of tools is the only platform on the market that provides a holistic approach to satisfy IT and business governance requirements for Microsoft 365, from internal policies, external regulations, and day-to-day operations. 

For a decade, CoreView has led the charge in modern Microsoft 365 management and administration, providing a toolkit that is custom-built for managing, administering, and governing Microsoft 365 tenants. By partnering with Simeon Cloud, enterprises and MSPs now have access to a suite of tools to manage, automate, and backup Microsoft 365 configurations at scale, ensuring compliance and security.

Together, Simeon Cloud and CoreView provide:

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Automated governance

Automate routine tasks, monitor compliance, detect misconfiguration, and honor exceptions while enforcing policies 24/7.

Delegated administration

Distribute admin duties with precision while ensuring the right level of access and visibility, empowering IT to do more with less.

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Intelligent configuration

Setup both tenant and identity baseline configurations, watch for performance optimization, and get real-time alerts to mitigate risk.

No-code control

Leverage a true no-code approach with simple, intuitive interfaces that can be used by anyone.

The complete Microsoft 365 management platform
By choosing Simeon Cloud and CoreView as the foundation of your governance framework, your IT team can ensure your Microsoft 365 environment is managed securely and efficiently. Simeon Cloud automates the initial setup of Microsoft 365 tenants and backs up and monitors all infrastructure configurations. CoreView then provides day-to-day management, governance, and automation across all objects in the Microsoft 365 tenant.  

Simeon Cloud key features

Multi-tenant management

With Simeon Cloud, ensure you’re always practicing your best practices by establishing and maintaining baseline configurations for multiple Microsoft 365 environments. Push out changes quickly to tenants in bulk, report across tenants for compliance with your baseline, and automate the remediation of drift.

Monitoring, backup and reporting

Simeon Cloud’s single pane of glass reporting tracks changes made to configurations and can alert you when changes are made. Backup your environment configurations daily, compare configurations with a point in time, and restore configurations to a known good state or granularly.

Lifecycle management

Increase security and efficiency with lifecycle management controls for your dev, test, and prod environments. Simeon Cloud supports promoting lifecycle changes between environments with advanced review and approval workflows to effortlessly control the promotion process.


CoreView key features

Tenant segmentation

Virtual Tenants allow you to “slice” a Microsoft 365 tenant based on any set of requirements. Segment it in a myriad of ways – by departments, locations, devices, phone numbers, or any of over 400 available attributes into new groupings – Virtual Tenants – for more efficient management. After that, leverage deep RBAC capabilities to grant a subset of actions to administrators who will ONLY be able to monitor and manage that subset of objects.


Playbooks are sets of policies that are tied to the automated detection of problems with out-of-the-box workflows and remediation of the issues found. Pre-built Playbooks allow users to quickly identify configuration and permissions issues that create security gaps, then automatically resolve those issues and manage any exceptions.

Workflows and automation

CoreView allows users to automate manual admin processes, reducing overall time spent on repetitive tasks, eliminating error-prone handoffs and the need for writing and managing dozens of scripts. Start with over 100 out-of-the-box management actions individually or as part of an automated workflow or extend your automation with custom actions.

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A new powerhouse for M365

With CoreView and Simeon Cloud, discover a suite of policies, workflows and playbooks that automatically detect and remediate misconfigurations, all while accommodating exceptions as needed. With established Microsoft 365 best practices as the foundation, you can be confident that your organization’s environment is operating securely and smoothly. 

Want to learn more about our partnership with CoreView?

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