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Easily see the number of configurations on Reconcile!

June 15, 2023

Configuration count: You can now more easily see the number of configurations for each configuration type on Reconcile. This makes it simple to keep track of configuration changes and ensure your tenant remains in the desired state. To see the count, navigate to Reconcile > select your tenant > the configuration count now shows to the right of each configuration type.

Platform Updates: Due to Microsoft deprecating IPPSSession connections, Simeon will be temporarily disabling the functionality to create and delete Retention Compliance Policies. We are working closely with Microsoft to develop a process to re-enable these soon.

New Providers coming soon!

  • Azure AD > PIM Settings > Role Assignment Schedule
  • Security and Compliance > Policies > Alert Policy

Fixes and Improvements: The Simeon team is always working hard for you!

  • [Improvement] Improved handling when a Sync encounters transient errors
  • [Improvement] Improved handling of Intune Autopilot deployment profiles
  • [Improvement] Conditional Access Policies can use Service Principal exclusively in more situations
  • [Fix] Prevented an issue where Named Locations could cause an error in certain situations
  • [Fix] Addressed an issue where a null value in authenticationStrength could throw an error
  • [Fix] Resolved an issue when updating property values for AuthenticationMethodConfigurations
  • [Fix] Improved handling of SharePoint sites to now use the SharePointDomainName property if set

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Let us know how we can improve these updates and our platform by emailing us.

Thank You,

Team Simeon